Intro: Your New Superintendent...

Hello Sunset Country Club!!

My name is Joey Davis and I am your new golf course superintendent! My wife, Shannon, and I are currently in Lexington, SC where she is from originally and I'm from Denmark...South Carolina. This Denmark is a small town of about 3,000 people. We are both really looking forward to making Moultrie our home and more importantly joining the Sunset family.

I am extremely excited to get started and really hope to hit the ground running. I look forward to meeting everyone and getting to know you better as we take Sunset Country Club to a new level! I thought I would include a few points below about me and Shannon:

  • Shannon and I will be celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary this coming April. We do not have any kids of our own, yet. However, we do have 3 dogs, a horse, and a cat.
  • Shannon has been an elementary school teacher for 8 years now and also an adjunct professor at the University of South Carolina for the past 2 years. She holds a master's degree in elementary education and some Plus 30 post-masters courses. 
  • I grew up on a dairy farm in rural South Carolina and it took me to be on the USS Enterprise(CVN-65) to realize I had an interest in turfgrass. I traveled the world and saw many golf courses along the way from the French Riviera to Hong Kong. After the Navy, I immediately jumped at an opportunity to get my degree in Golf Course Management in Pinehurst, NC. I have since developed a keen eye for detail and have learned from some of the best in the turf industry! 
  • For the last 3 years I was Senior Assistant Superintendent at Orangeburg Country Club in Orangeburg, SC. OCC is on a current upswing right now as it is 7 years removed from a complete renovation. In that time, Orangeburg debuted in the Top 50 Golf Courses in South Carolina(#45) and also was awarded as one of the states "Best Renovations/Restorations." 
  • Last year, I was selected to the 10th Annual Green Start Academy sponsored by Bayer and John Deere. I competed against other Assistant's across the US and Canda for a spot in the top fifty. I was selected and was the only attendee from South Carolina. This was a tremendous honor and the experience and knowledge I gained was extremely beneficial for me and my career. Also, it was a great networking opportunity to meet some of the best at what we do and I'm fortunate to still be in touch with a lot of them today.
  • Speaking of networking, I like to volunteer(if work allows) at tournaments and this past spring I was honored to be invited to work The Masters. I spent the entire tournament week starting with the Drive, Chip, and Putt Championship on the Sunday before and concluded the following Sunday of the Masters. I was invited a few weeks ago to work the 2017 Masters and hopefully it will work out that I can represent Sunset Country Club at Augusta National. I was also invited to work the Tour Championship at East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta this past September, but with some recent job inquiries I had to withdraw. I look forward to working that tournament hopefully in the near future, as well.
  • I am a Class B Superintendent member of the Golf Course Superintendent's Association of America(GCSAA), Georgia GCSA, and Carolinas GCSA. I am a licensed pesticide applicator through the Georgia Department of Agriculture.
I hope that will give you a better understanding of  me and my background. With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us,  I am very fortunate and thankful to be surrounded by a dedicated and committed membership at Sunset Country Club. I believe that with our maintenance staff and the entire Sunset team, the 'next level golf course' will be a lot sooner than later. I do plan to use this blog as a way to keep everyone 'in the know' of what is happening with your golf course. I plan to do a lot of evaluating over the course of the next month and will be working to get this golf course ready for an exceptional transition and successful 2017. If you ever have have any questions, comments, concerns, etc., please feel free to contact me or stop me on the course.

See you on the course,

Joey Davis
Golf Course Superintendent
Sunset Country Club


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