This week at Sunset: 1-9-2017

The picture above is an indication of what we dealt with last week. Last Monday’s storm dropped about 2.5” of rain, but it also dropped 10 trees throughout the golf course. The worst hit areas of the course were 1, 2, & 3. We focused on this area on Tuesday and were able to make some strides with it on Wednesday. We spent the remainder of the week concentrating on getting trees cut up, moved out of play, and hauled away. We are still working on cleaning the course up and hope to have it back in shape this week. I want to thank everyone for being diligent with us as the guys works hard to clean the golf course up.

On Thursday, we were able to have most of the big trees out of the way as we hosted 70 golfers from Tallahassee. This was the same group who played here last month.  We mowed and rolled the greens and with the recent weather they seem to have responded well with the lack of sunglight. That is one common thing that all ultradwarf bermuda greens do have in common and that is they do not well when it’s cloudy and overcast. Looking at the forecast it looks like we have some sunny days ahead and we certainly could use it.

This week we will be spreading more seed out in overseeded areas that are a little on the light side. Most of the green surrounds will be overseeded and also there are some fairways that will be seeded. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the rain has certainly helped the overseed a lot and with the moisture and a little more rain in the next few weeks we should be able to make our overseed more uniform throughout the golf course. We had our first real cold snap over the weekend with highs in the mid-40's and lows in the mid-20's. The bermuda will certainly slow down from these cold days and will show us where the overseed is lacking. 

We are also in prep mode for the Pot ‘O Gold especially on the driving range tee. The ropes have been moved all the way forward of the tee and we ask that you hit within the ropes. We want to ensure that we have a good stand of grass to hit from as we get closer to the POG. There is one thing that you all could help with and that is your divot patterns. The driving range gets used very frequently. The more use they receive, the longer it will take for the surface to return to normal. By disrupting less area with a divot pattern in a line, it will take less time for the tee to return to normal. I've included a picture here that gives you an idea of what I'm talking about. 

Thanks for following us this week as we strive to get better everyday. As always,  please feel free to reach out with any questions/comments that you may have by using this blog, Facebook page, or emailing me at Thanks for reading!

See you on the course!

Joey Davis


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