week at Sunset: 4-10-2017

Well, last week’s rain helped us out a lot. It dumped roughly 2 inches between Monday’s storm and Wednesday’s storm (1.5” on Wed.). However, there was a cold front that came in behind it and lows dipped down to 40 degrees this past weekend. It’s never a good thing to throw in a temperature drop like that in the middle of a transition period. The Bermuda grass is putting so much energy into growing that a cold snap will set it back a day or two. You’ll see an off color look to the Bermuda similar to what we saw the last week of winter. The temperatures are supposed to be back in the mid to high 80’s and overnight lows in the 60’s by the end of the week. Hopefully, fingers crossed, we won’t have to worry about anymore cold fronts this spring.

Last week’s rain was very beneficial to the course, but also it was beneficial to weeds and other things that we don’t necessarily need to grow. We will be weedeating, mowing rough, and addressing areas where weeds are plentiful. There doesn’t seem to be any rain forecasted for the foreseeable future, but that can always change. We will spend this week and next making sure the golf course is clean and free of debris.

The last thing for this week’s update is that you will notice white lines up near the greens. Please stay behind the white lines when you are playing your round. We do not need any traffic inside those white lines or around the greens. As I mentioned above, the Bermuda is in the transition period and it is at its most vulnerable stage of the year and temperature drops and lots of traffic on and around sensitive areas is very damaging. I'm not one that enjoys seeing traffic lines on a golf course. However, in order to keep our turf healthy then I certainly deem it necessary. Help us out by keeping your cart behind the white lines and off the green complexes, in general. Eventually, I'd like to do away with spraying these lines.

Thank you for following us this week as we strive to get better every day. As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions/comments that you may have by using this blog, Facebook page, or emailing me at Thanks for reading!

See you on the course!

Joey Davis


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