This week at Sunset: 6-5-2017

The golf course received around 5 inches of rain for the month of May. It looks like we are getting more of the wet stuff to kick off this week with a more favorable chance on Tuesday. We are definitely getting the temperatures now that we need to grow some Bermuda. You will notice a lot of the poa triv is dying back and that will only help with the transition.

This week we plan to continue to stay on top of mowing rough and all short cut areas. We did have a minor setback last week with our irrigation and as a result some of the greens suffered a little bit, but mainly the poa triv certainly showed signs of checking out which is what we want. With the little bit of rain over the weekend things have rebounded nicely. Today, I applied a “kitchen sink” of fungicides and fertilizers to fight the moist areas on our greens and also a preventative for summer diseases. Next week, we will be doing our Air2G2 on the greens and I anticipate some immediate results from that process. They recommend performing an Air2G2 twice before noticing any results, but I think our greens will respond a lot more.

As a reminder, please remember to keep golf carts behind the white lines that you see throughout the golf course. We do not need any traffic inside those white lines or around the greens. With the Bermuda grass in its most vulnerable stage with the transition in full swing it is important to keep traffic away from highly sensitive areas- greens complexes, tops of teeboxes, and other weak areas throughout the course. Help us out by keeping your golf cart behind the white lines and off the green complexes
and near the tops of tees. Those of you who use pullcarts are fine to cross the line as pullcarts are lighter and less aggressive. However, make sure not to pull your carts across the green. Again, I want to thank everyone for helping us keep your golf course healthy and in shape.

Finally, I’d like to let everyone know that my wife, Shannon, moved down to Moultrie this past weekend. So, we are all present and accounted for with the exception of our horses. The horses hopefully will be making their way down to Thomasville this coming weekend. Shannon will be teaching this coming school year at Cox Elementary. She really likes the principal and has gotten to meet a few of the staff members and is eager to get started. Shannon will be in and out I’m sure at the club and she looks forward to meeting each of you, as well.

Thank you for following us this week as we strive to get better every day. As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions/comments that you may have by using this blog, Facebook page, or emailing me at Thanks for reading!

See you on the course!

Joey Davis


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