UPDATE: All 18 are OPEN

We completed the Air2G2 aerification yesterday afternoon. The process went very well even with over 2.5 inches of rain so far this week. The results will benefit the most beneath the turf with healthy roots and a more vibrant stand of turf on top. I plan to do another Air2G2 in August around our next aerification when we will be pulling cores. Along with the Air2G2, we verticutted the greens, but because of wet conditions were unable to topdress. It’s not ideal to topdress with wet sand and turf and so I plan to topdress the greens next Monday when we can hopefully have some drier conditions.

As mentioned before, the 2.5 inches of rain we’ve received so far has definitely softened things up throughout the golf course. Please avoid low lying areas and places where standing water is present.

Thank you and we hope you have a great rest of the week!


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