Fore The Golfer: Labor on a Golf Course

Every Thursday I will provide a tip or turf minute from the USGA Green Section. Some of these videos will include their recommendations when it comes to the health of the golf course or some will be more of a lesson on some of the work that takes place on the golf course.

This week will be a short video on how challenging the labor market is on golf course conditioning. We are lucky to have a hard working crew that takes pride in their work. With a small crew it is very vital that each person puts in 110% each day to provide the conditions that are expected daily. My goal since I've arrived is to have everyone trained on every piece of equipment we use and as of today we've met that goal with just about everyone. Again, I'm extremely grateful for the crew that we have. They make my job easier and certainly keep your golf course clean, consistent, and maintained. 


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