This week at Sunset: 7-3-2017

Happy Independence Day from your golf course maintenance staff!

Well, so far for July, we have started off drier than we did in June. We’re now getting more seasonable temperatures for this time of year and the threat of afternoon pop-ups are expected as we cruise on through this month. Last month, we totaled around 11” of rain and it is certainly evident of that throughout the course.

We are still catching up on mowing the rough. Please bear with us as we have some more favorable days ahead for mowing and we will knock the bahia grass down as soon as possible. I have been talking with Jacobsen (our mower supplier) and I am hoping we get an extra rough mower this week to combat our course and to have it ready for the Ramsey Pidcock. 

The greens are coming around nicely from the last verticut and topdressing. We have been able to verticut our greens 3 times in the last 2 months and we will probably do 1 more verticut in August and that will be it. I wanted to get an idea of how much abuse these greens can take when it comes to verticutting and topdressing and in the future I will probably stick to a monthly verticut and a lighter topdress. Overall, I have noticed a big difference in root growth and also the TifEagle has really filled in nicely from the transition.

As a reminder, please remember to keep golf carts behind the white lines that you see throughout the golf course. We do not need any traffic inside those white lines or around the greens. With the Bermuda grass in its most vulnerable stage with the transition in full swing it is important to keep traffic away from highly sensitive areas- greens complexes, tops of teeboxes, and other weak areas throughout the course. Help us out by keeping your golf cart behind the white lines and off the green complexes
and near the tops of tees. Those of you who use pullcarts are fine to cross the line as pullcarts are lighter and less aggressive. However, make sure not to pull your carts across the green. Again, I want to thank everyone for helping us keep your golf course healthy and in shape.

Thank you for following us this week as we strive to get better every day. As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions/comments that you may have by using this blog, Facebook page, or emailing me at Thanks for reading!

See you on the course!

Joey Davis


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